flea + cents since 1996

U-turn clip
The clip-on light provides mobile lighting with a big fun factor. It can be clamped onto countless objects like heating pipe , bookcase and beyond. Thanks to the magnetic ball joint, the light can be turned in any direction. Moreover, the angle of radiation can be adjusted between ambient room light and accent light. We suggest the standard colours black,and telegrey,

The core elements of U-TURN are the round ball joint and the round, which is a magnetic depression, U-TURN provides the choice between direct or indirect LED light. Moreover, the beam angle is easy to adjust with a slight turn, similar to the zoom of a camera.

U turns has won 5 major design and light award that we highly recommeding .
Michel Charlot
design origin
die-cast aluminium.
Available only in Shop flea + cents. For details, please call +852 2528 0801 or email us